3 students sitting in a table learning from a professor

Law + Business Administration

Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration

拓宽您在商业和法律领域的职业机会, consider Stetson University's JD/MBA program. 完成该课程的学生将获得斯泰森大学工商管理十大娱乐彩票平台的MBA学位和斯泰森大学法十大娱乐彩票平台的法学博士学位.

这些学位的持有者可以用法学博士学位为管理活动提供法律背景,用MBA学位来提高行政和管理决策技能. Many CEOs and upper-level managers hold law degrees.

Why Law + Business Administration at Stetson University?

In Stetson University's JD/MBA program, 能力来自法律和商业领域扎实的学术课程, 通过法律诊所和其他实际法律经验进行密集的技能培训. As a graduate of the program, 你将进入劳动力市场,准备工作与一个坚实的教育,旨在发展你的管理能力.

JD/MBA. 学生可以大大节省必修课程. MBA课程接受法律选修课清单中的9个学分, 法十大娱乐彩票平台接受MBA课程中的12个学时. 与独立攻读两个学位相比,学生的净收益是减少了21个小时.

The MBA curriculum is available online, 这使得将商业教育融入斯泰森法律学位变得更加容易

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Info Sessions

Frank Faul

"In an ever-changing and globalized industry, 很难找到一个职业选择不会受益于斯泰森MBA课程所培养的技能. 我个人完成MBA课程的成绩非常出色. 作为一名小型企业的管理人员,我有能力带来积极的改变."

Frank Faul,司法调查服务公司副总裁兼首席法务官.

Career Outcomes

Stetson’s business alumni include investment executives, portfolio managers, government administrators, CEOs, presidents, vice presidents and college professors. Stetson’s JD/MBA alumni also include associates, attorneys, clerks, compliance managers, corporate counsel and private analysts.

The full MBA curriculum is available online. 通过预先录制的讲座和在线直播课程的结合, 学生在获得灵活性的同时,还可以通过同步在线直播课程与教授面对面交流.

MBA courses are three credit hours each. They are offered each fall, spring, 在工作日的晚上和夏季,以a /B学期的形式持续八周.

JD/MBA项目MBA部分的必修研究生课程包括27个学分的MBA基础课程和核心课程. Students begin their MBA experience by taking the M.B.A. foundations. 这些课程为各种背景的学生提供了成功攻读MBA课程所需的商业敏锐度和研究生水平的严谨性. 基础主题为将来的课程提供背景, 使我们的教授能够更深入地了解MBA核心课程的内容.

为了满足MBA学位的选修课要求,学生必须至少修习9个小时的课程 approved elective courses 从法律课程,其中必须包括法律3255公司或法律3154商业实体.



To participate in the JD/MBA program, 你必须首先申请法十大娱乐彩票平台并成功被录取. Upon completion of your first year of law studies, 然后你可以申请将MBA学位添加到你的课程中. You must be admitted into the JD program, offered by the College of Law, and the MBA program, offered by Stetson's School of Business Administration, independently. 必须满足这两个项目的所有入学要求.

  • Application for Admission
  • 所有十大娱乐彩票平台和大学的正式成绩单(从法十大娱乐彩票平台检索)*
  • Two references (name and contact information)
  • 简历——列出你的专业和教育经历
  • Personal Statement – Addressing career goals, reasons for pursuing the program, 以及你为什么想进入斯泰森大学工商管理十大娱乐彩票平台学习

To complete the dual program in three years, 学生通常在法十大娱乐彩票平台一年级之后开始MBA课程,并在第一个夏天上两节MBA课程.

*When applying to the MBA program, you will request your Law School application documents, including previous transcripts, 从法十大娱乐彩票平台寄到研究生招生办公室, 还需要法十大娱乐彩票平台的正式成绩单复印件吗, reflecting your progress in the JD program. 要获得资格,学生必须保持在法律类前75%的GPA.


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